Open and Affirming designation
The term Open and Affirming(ONA) is the United Church of Christ's (UCC) designation for congregations, campus ministries and other bodies of the UCC which have gone through an official process with UCC Open and Affirming Coalition formerly called the Coaliition for LGBT Concerns. Part of that process includes making a public covenant of welcome into the full life and ministry to persons of all sexuall orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.
Because each congregation in the UCC is independepent and therefore free to make it's own decisions, there is a broad diversity of theoloogy and practice within the UCC. The same is true for the North Texas Association. As there are open and affirming congregations within the association, the members and churches of the association voted over 10 years ago to not discriminate in ordination, nomination or hiring on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. This permits congregations to sponsor members of the lgbt community for ordination or nomination to any committee or position in the association.
When you use the find a church function there will be an ONA and Y for Yes if the congrregation is open and affirming.