The South Central Conference
of the United Church of Christ
The North Texas Association is one of five associations within the South Central Conference of the United Church of Christ. The South Central Conference of the United Church of Christ is a partnership of churches, associations and leaders of the United Church of Christ throughout Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. In some denominations they are known as dioceses. Others call them presbyteries. Some say districts or regions, while others speak of synods. In the United Church of Christ, they are known as conferences. The United Church of Christ is composed of the General Synod (i.e., "national church"), 38 regional Conferences, numerous Associations, and thousands of local Congregations. And yet, the UCC is not a hierarchy. Each of these expressions of the UCC are autonomous and "speak to, but not for" the other expressions. Why? Because, it's all about relationship and living in covenant together. For more information about our conference, follow this link.